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Power of Touch

A Natural Way to Heal

Touch is a basic human instinct and it has the power to comfort and reassure on many levels. It can relax the body, calm the mind and encourage healing and well-being.

To touch others or to be touched is one of our most instinctive needs. The sense of touch is the first to develop in the embryo, and babies require and thrive on close physical contact with their parents. The caring, loving touch of another is fundamental to the development of a healthy human being. This need to be touched does not stop as childhood ends, yet as we grow to adulthood many of us become afraid to reach out and touch one another. Mistrustful of our instinctive loving impulse, we have lost touch with ourselves and with the wisdom of the body.

In a society where touch tends to be rarer than an empty seat on a rush hour train, we miss out on experiencing the benefits it can have, especially when received in the intentional and meaningful way that a massage provides.

We all know that it feels good to have a hug from someone close to you, or to receive a pat on the back for a job well done.

What you might not know is that there are physiological reasons behind why touch makes us feel good, and which explain why – far from being a luxury or a ‘nice-to-have’ – Massage therapy can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression.

When we receive touch a signal is sent to our brain, which then triggers the release of oxytocin – commonly known as the love drug – as well as the two other happy hormones, Serotonin and Dopamine.

The intentional, informed ‘touch’ of Massage Therapy goes even further. Along with boosting the happy hormones, it has been proven to lower the hormone cortisol – a key component in our stress response. And while this is essential for quick reactions in emergencies when present long-term, even in lower quantities, it is for the overall health of the body.

So whilst Massage still tends to be thought of either as a luxury activity to pamper yourself or as something sport-specific, it’s now starting to be seen as a valuable element in health care, because it has been shown not only to decrease pain and tightness in muscles, but also to help relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, and sleeping disorders.

Power of Touch: Welcome

Windsor, UK

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